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Performance Crop Research offers hemp trials, efficacy & yield trials, seed development and GLP residue trials. Learn more about each of our services below or contact us for more information!
Efficacy & Yield Trials

Performance Crop Research has experience conducting herbicide-tolerant, fungicide, insecticide, biostimulant, and fertilizer trials. PCR is able to provide access to 2,500 acres with various soil types and irrigation methods.
We have the ability to artificially infest your crop in order to test for pest pressure. We can assist in developing the testing protocol alongside you to obtain the best information from your trials.
Contact us today to schedule your efficacy and yield trial.
GLP Residue Trials
Performance Crop Research (PCR) is your trusted EPA Region V and VIII partner for compliance with EPA's Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Standards.
We conduct a wide range of Residue trials including RAC, Residue Decline, Processing, and Terrestrial Dissipation.
PCR is proud to provide intense training and focus on trial placement, application techniques and sampling procedures. PCR welcomes clients audits and places the highest value on transparency and quality of work.
Contact us now to schedule your GLP Residue Trial today.

Seed & Research Development

Performance Crop Research (PCR) is equipped with a 2022 Almaco Seed Pro Vacuum Planter, which allows your variety trials to go down with precision and accuracy. Uniform seed placement, alleys exact plot length begin your data season off with the best possible start. PCR operates a 2021 RX Combine with the latest Harvest Master Plot Weight and Moisture System. The RX combine can complete a variety of sample collection sizes. We understand accuracy and attention to detail is pivotal for you as a client.
Hemp Trials

Performance Crop Research (PCR) is one of a most experienced of crop scientists with the necessary licenses and experience required to conduct fiber, grain or cannabinoid hemp trials.
Performance Crop Research has been conducting hemp trials since 2019 and has experience with over 30 different varieties and growing techniques of this crop. PCR partners with South Bend Industrial Hemp to assist farmers and processors all over the world on hemp production. PCR also serves in a study director capacity for the Global Hemp Association to complete trials with CRO's throughout the United States.
Soil Dissipation Trials
Field soil dissipation studies, sometimes known as terrestrial field dissipation (TFD) studies, are conducted to establish the transport, transformation and fate of pesticides under representative field conditions, as opposed to laboratory studies, where pesticides may dissipate at different rates. This provides vital information on the formation and decline of metabolites and offers an indication of leaching potential and accumulation of residues in soil.
Dissipation studies are key requirement for regulatory bodies, including the EU. All study designs comply with OECD and EPA guidelines and EFSA and NAFTA guidance documents.